U are welcome!

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Space in Numbers







Back to the roots

In 1963, Linde founded “Werbung Und Messebau GmbH”. Following the disincorporation and the simultaneous sale of the advertising agency in the year 2004, “WUM Design” was created as a result, with emphasis on building trade fairs. In 2018, the relaunch and the development of “WUM Brand Spaces”. After over 55 years, we have once again returned to our roots: connecting advertising with exhibition construction. Because the holistic approach to products and brands has never been more important than now.

Do you know Lao Tzu?

A Chinese proverb goes: “Learning is like rowing against the current. If you stop, you will go backwards.” We love and live learning: continually checking and improving processes and ways of thinking, constantly observing our market and the technological possibilities. All of that makes us ready for our challenges. And we are making our presence at the fair “fit for future”.

We think ahead.

Instability, transience, and ephemerality are the opposites of sustainability and are undesirable to us. Our claim to sustainability is not only related to our actions but especially to solutions and products: Trade fair stands are designed for multiple uses and stored in between. Digital content is planned in such a way that it can be easily individualized for further trade fairs and reused. Being sustainable for us means using your budgets effectively. It’s all about U.

Sustainably sustainable

Nearly 80 children are supported by over 70 employees of the WUM Group. They will one day be able to say that, although trade fair construction is only to a limited extent environmentally friendly, we have done everything within our power to act sustainably.

Strong together

The WUM Group represents 360° brand communication. Together with our more than 70 colleagues from a variety of disciplines, we excite our clients’ customers with brand and product presentations, whether in physical spaces, virtually, or digitally.


Call us on +49 6021 4982 0
or write us a message!