Trade fair presence: bringing a brand to life

Trade fairs and events play an important role as marketing instruments. Marketing experts know about the advantages of a successful trade fair appearance for company presentation. Live communication and multidimensionality characterize modern stand concepts and allow customers to experience a brand.

Technical exhibits and particularly explanation-intensive products can be demonstrated and explained on site by qualified trade fair personnel – directly and up close to potential customers. The specific mix of classic media, CI-compliant architecture and innovative multimedia tools offers the target group a wide range of options for reaching their clients.

Trade fair presentation with brains

In our information overloaded time, however, a golden rule also applies here: less is more! This means not cluttering up the customer and overwhelming him with more or less important or unimportant details. Concentrating on the essentials is the motto. And so a clear differentiation at the trade fair presentation succeeds especially in this very noisy and restless environment.

And here we can help with our experience: Our team of designers and architects, sales and marketing professionals and trained craftsmen visualise your brand in the form of an individual, goal-oriented stand concept and create a world of experience that appeals to all the senses and remains in the visitor’s memory.

Messeauftritt für WIKA auf der Hannover Messe

Trade fair appearance for WIKA at the Hannover Messe. The company, based in Klingenberg am Main in Lower Franconia, is a German, internationally active family-owned company that primarily manufactures pressure and temperature measurement technology. You will find more pictures of this stand in our references.

Messeauftritt für Linde Gas auf der Schweißen und Schneiden in Essen

Linde Gas focuses on the direct connection to the customer and presents itself at the Schweißen und Schneiden in Essen with a successful mix of classical and multimedia marketing instruments.

